
Fairnilee, River Tweed

Fairnilee is situated on the Tweed between Galashiels and Caddonfoot.

The beat offers 3.5 miles of left bank fishing for up to a maximum of six rods.  There is easy access to many named pools as well as faster runs and glides.  The beat offers syndicate rods on a day-per-week basis in the spring and summer.

There is one boatman employed on the beat. 

Week So Far Mon 17/02 Tue 18/02 Wed 19/02 Thu 20/02 Fri 21/02 Sat 22/02 Last Week's Total Season to Date
Salmon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sea Trout 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0