The RTC is a member of Fisheries Management Scotland (FMS) and complies with its Code of Good Governance.
We have also adopted the Seven Principles of Public Life, as advised by The Committee on Standards in Public Life, an independent public body which advises governments on ethical standards.
We do not serve for a minimum or maximum term, and are unpaid.
There are more fishery proprietors on the river than there are places for them on the RTC. Proprietors wanting to join are put on a waiting list, and elected in order when existing proprietorial commissioners stand down.
The Chairman of the RTC is elected from and by the RTC, and serves for a minimum of three years.
Protection of Tweed Salmon, Sea trout and freshwater fish has been the responsibility of the RTC since our creation under the Act of 1807. The Scotland Act 1998 (River Tweed) Order 2006 consolidated and modernised the old Tweed Acts and Tweed specific fisheries legislation requires that any killing of wild Atlantic Salmon is managed according to the conservation status of the river.
We employ a team of Fishery Officers (Bailiffs) to enforce the fishery laws and regulations in the Tweed district. Their role in this context is virtually that of a policeman - indeed a Fishery Officer is vested with many of the powers of a police constable.
Enforcement work is essential to ensure fish populations are protected. The work includes: auditing and inspecting fish movements, patrolling rivers to check no one is fishing in the closed season, looking for unlicensed and prohibited nets and lines and educating the public and fishery owners.
Karl Ferguson Head Fisheries Officer : 07884230045
Alan Davison Officer : 07884230048
Cameron Wynne Officer : 07884230047
Mike Allan Officer : 07884230046
Tom Skipsey Officer : 07884230036
Under article 47 of The Scotland Act 1998 (River Tweed) Order 2006 it is an offence to introduce fish, or the eggs or spawn of fish, into the inland waters of the Tweed district without prior written consent from the RTC.
The RTC has a simple process of application for consent and has adopted the policy below for the regulation of stocking. The essence of the policy is that there is no stocking of “open” waters i.e. the river and tributaries, and that any stocking to ponds or ”closed waters” is only granted to those which are properly screened, so that fish cannot escape to the river, and they should only be of fish that cannot breed.
If you wish to stock and comply with this policy please, complete the form below and return it the RTC.
Applications are normally processed at the end of each week on Friday morning. Consent may require an inspection by a Fisheries Officer. Currently no charge is made for an application.
The money to run the RTC comes from the owners of the Salmon fisheries. It is raised annually through an ‘Assessment’ which each fishery must pay. Each year we decide and approve an annual budget - the amount each fishery contributes is calculated on the basis of its 5 year average catch according to the proportion of the fishery’s value to the value of the entire Tweed fishery.
To calculate these values accurately, an economic survey is done every 5 years or so by independent consultants. The most recent survey (2016) found that Tweed Angling
In 2003, the RTC contributed £400K to the buy-out of the North East Drift Nets, which allowed about 37,600 salmon, and 33,900 sea- trout to return to their native rivers each year – another example of the use of private money for public good.
Each year the RTC donates about a quarter of its income to the Tweed Foundation.
Why collect data on the catches of Salmon and Sea Trout?
Records of catches are important because they not only provide a year-on-year measure of fish returning to the river, but also form the basis of a fair and equitable method of collecting the Tweed assessment. Powers are given to the RTC to collect the data.
The provisions of the Scotland Act 1998 (River Tweed) Order 2006 extend the duties and powers of the 1857 Act. Article 17 of the Order provides that the proprietors and occupiers of salmon fisheries must furnish the RTC with such information as is necessary for the valuation of the fisheries in such form and at such times as we may determine. The article also provides that the RTC may use the information for its other functions under the Order.
Failure to furnish the required information, or the making of false statements, is an offence and liable on conviction to a substantial fine.
The Information Needed
Compliance with this policy satisfies the legal requirement to provide the appropriate information to the RTC.
As part of the process of valuing the fisheries, and to ensure accuracy, the RTC continues to collect information on catches of Salmon and Sea Trout. To improve the potential usefulness of these statistics, the RTC requires each fishery to summarise the numbers and weight of Salmon and Sea Trout on a monthly basis. To ensure accuracy, the data should be entered on the form provided or in a record book, day by day. This should not in practice be an additional burden since a record of each fish caught should already be kept (required under the 1951 and 1857 Acts).
The information to be recorded is:
Separate sheets or pages should be kept for catches by rod and line, by net and coble and by bag net, fly net or other stake net.
The records must be made available for inspection to a Fisheries Officer, or an authorised representative on the RTC, on demand.
Existing fishing records may be used providing the required information is included. Follow the link for an example of an acceptable form.
Keeping the record and submitting the information
It is the responsibility of the owner, proprietor or occupier to provide the data. If an owner or occupier wishes to authorise another person to maintain the record, the RTC should be informed of their name and address. N.B. the legal requirement for the accuracy of the return remains with the proprietor or occupier of the fishery.
Consolidated returns of data are sought to the end of June and to the end of November, each year. A form suitable for providing that information is sent to fisheries before these times.