
Haystoun, River Tweed

Haystoun fishings are located downstream from the town of Peebles. The beat comprises approximately one mile on the north bank and half a mile on the south bank. There are seven named pools which fish best in medium to low water. The top of the beat is most easily accessed from the municipal car park in Peebles. This is only a short walk from the first three pools (Pailing End, Kingsmeadow and (Kerfield) which are fished from the north bank only. The lower pools (Blackthroat, Stobs, Lower Stobs and Wirebridge) can be fished from either bank, albeit casting is easiest from the north bank with the exception of Wirebridge Pool. Access to the lower part of the beat is easiest from the A72 by a flight of steps from an adjacent layby.

Week So Far Mon 21/10 Tue 22/10 Wed 23/10 Thu 24/10 Fri 25/10 Sat 26/10 Last Week's Total Season to Date
Salmon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sea Trout 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0