
Hendersyde, River Tweed

The beat starts about two miles below Kelso and continues for another two miles to its bottom point at the junction with the Eden Water.  The fishing varies from the long streams at the top of the beat, through the deep Sprouston Dub to the fast waters immediately below the cauld at Banff Mill.

Only two rods can fish at a time and each is looked after by one of two boatmen.  The water is split into two beats which are fished on alternate days in rotation with Sprouston opposite.  Boats are provided and there is a hut on each of the top and bottom beats.  

Normally there are two boatmen provided, however, during June, July and August, there is only one.

Week So Far Mon 16/12 Tue 17/12 Wed 18/12 Thu 19/12 Fri 20/12 Sat 21/12 Last Week's Total Season to Date
Salmon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 283
Sea Trout 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19