
Tweedhill, River Tweed

Tweedhill is the bottom fishery on Tweed and the 2.5 mile stretch finishes just above Paxton House.  The 24 named pools offer excellent fly water with streams, riffles, glides and runs throughout its length.

The boatman at Tweedhill is Brian Palmer: 07770964107.

To reach the beat from Berwick, cross the Tweed Bridge on the A1 bypass heading north and take the first left turn and after about four miles you will find the turn to Fishwick on the left.

Please note that the tides may interrupt fishing for short periods on the bottom beat, and to help with this the boundary between the two beats is sometimes adjusted.

Week So Far Mon 27/01 Tue 28/01 Wed 29/01 Thu 30/01 Fri 31/01 Sat 01/02 Last Week's Total Season to Date
Salmon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sea Trout 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0