Upper Hendersyde

Upper Hendersyde, River Tweed

Upper Hendersyde is situated immediately below the Junction beat and above Sprouston beat at Kelso.

It comprises approximately one mile of double bank fishing with four holding pools. There are two boats and fishing is for three rods.

There is a full time boatman on the beat, Robert Jewels, and his services are included in the rent.  The beat is normally let by the week for a maximum of three rods.

Occasionally, half weeks will be let.

Week So Far Mon 15/07 Tue 16/07 Wed 17/07 Thu 18/07 Fri 19/07 Sat 20/07 Last Week's Total Season to Date
Salmon 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 28
Sea Trout 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 5