Upper Makerstoun

Upper Makerstoun, River Tweed

Makerstoun is a two rod beat located five miles upstream of Kelso.

The beat has eight named pools and a variety of low and high water to fish in a broad range of conditions.  Upper Makerstoun has a fishing hut offering cooking and toilet facilities and a balcony and is served by three Tweed-style fishing boats.

Both Upper and Lower Makerstoun share the services of the estate boatman from February through to the end of June.  From September through to the end of the season, each beat has a full-time boatman.  During the summer lets, no boatman is supplied.

Week So Far Mon 22/07 Tue 23/07 Wed 24/07 Thu 25/07 Fri 26/07 Sat 27/07 Last Week's Total Season to Date
Salmon 2 1 2 0 1 0 3 39
Sea Trout 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 7