Riverfly Monitoring

Guardians of the River Tweed

Over the bank holiday weekend, Suzanna Taylor organized a Guardians of the Tweed event in Peebles, focusing on the Eddleston water. This citizen science initiative aims to advocate for the well-being of our rivers by uniting the voices of our community. Our goal is to promote river health and vitality through active engagement and cooperation.

Riverflies are invertebrates that spend most of their life cycle in a river, stream, pond or lake. The three key groups are stoneflies, caddisflies and mayflies. Along with other freshwater invertebrates, they are at the heart of the freshwater ecosystem and are a vital link in the aquatic food chain. Their common characteristics of limited mobility, relatively long life cycle, presence throughout the year, and specific tolerances to changes in environmental conditions make them good indicators of water quality.

More than 270 species of mayflies, caddisflies and stoneflies have been recorded in the UK, eight of which were given Biodiversity Action Plan status and therefore are recognised as of priority for conservation by the government.

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Riverfly Monitoring Kits

We're reaching out to our community for support in acquiring Riverfly monitoring kits for our Guardians of the Tweed volunteers. 

These kits are essential tools for our ongoing efforts to monitor and safeguard the health of our rivers. By donating to this cause, you'll help us continue our vital work in protecting freshwater ecosystems and preserving the biodiversity of our waterways.

Together, we can make a tangible difference in ensuring the well-being of our rivers for generations to come. Please consider donating today and join us in our mission to be guardians of our precious water resources.

Become a volunteer

If you're interested in participating, please reach out through our website. In the coming months, we'll be collecting samples across the catchment area, focusing on locations where pollution concerns exist. Your involvement can make a real difference in safeguarding our rivers for future generations.

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Available for businesses and individuals wishing to contribute towards The Tweed Foundation conservation and education initiatives. 

Photographs and Stories

We love to hear from you! Please keep sending in your fishing stories to Anne Woodcock using your preferred method of contact below.
Communications and Fundraising Officer

Anne Woodcock

EMAIL: anne@tweedfoundation.org.uk

PHONE: 07540 834852 or 01896 800725

Alternatively you can send a direct message via our social media channels below.

Keep up to date with the latest news across the catchment by joining the Tweed mailing list at the bottom of this page.