River Tweed Fishing Report Monday 29th July to Saturday 3rd August

Grilse and salmon entering the river.





When the river fell rods saw numerous Sea Trout sightings, and a good number of Grilse arriving.

Recommended flies include Willie Gunn and inch copper tubes down to size 10 doubles. 

Monday, August 5th, five fish were caught along with one sea trout.

Tuesday, August 6th, a lift in water levels has rendered the river unfishable. We anticipate welcoming anglers once conditions settle. Availability is listed on FishPal.


Boathouse & Canny

The Boathouse experienced a slow week. No fish were hooked despite many fish moving through the river. Sea trout were seen jumping almost daily. The water level is dropping steadily with good clarity. There is hope for rain next week, providing some consolation. Compared to the past two years, the current clean water is beneficial for the fish.



It was an odd week. A significant rise in the Teviot on Monday resulted in chocolate-coloured water, discouraging fish. Many grilse were jumping, and all pools are filled. Midweek brought warmer weather, and a weather front cleared the air last night. Saturday, six fresh grilse up to 5 pounds were caught. Expected rain on Monday might rejuvenate the pools, promising good prospects ahead.


Lower Birgham

This past week was another good one on the river. While we didn't have as many fish contacts as hoped, it was exciting to see so many fish. Fresh grilse are running the river, with occasional larger splashes among them. Sea trout seem to have moved upstream, as fewer are seen in the pools or catches. Rain could stir things up and reveal more fish. With some lost fish and close calls, we ended the week with three fresh grilse caught on Saturday. The influx of fish bodes well for the upcoming week. 


Carham Beat

Monday: Water at 6" and 63°F. A fresh 13lb salmon was landed, and a grilse was lost.

Tuesday: Water at 5" and 62°F. A fresh 5lb grilse was caught, with a couple of pulls.

Wednesday: Water at 4" and 63°F. Only morning fishing due to bright sunshine.

Thursday: Water at 3" and 65°F. Two salmon and two fresh grilse were caught.

Friday: Water at 2" and 64°F. One salmon and one grilse were landed. Anglers fishing in the morning was more productive, and fish are still coming through despite low water levels. All fish were caught on fly, using small tubes and coneheads with floaters and short intermediate and slow sinking tips. 


Junction Beat

The Teviot brought in dirty water on Sunday, colouring the river by Monday. Successful flies included Gledswood Shrimps, Francis (sizes 12/10), and the occasional Sunray Shadow. The week ended with a total of 18 fish caught.

Tuesday 6th August. The Teviot is running coloured and is 2 feet and falling at Junction. Odd showers are forecast on Wednesday and Thursday, which will certainly stir up resident fish. Fish have been seen running the Teviot. 



A tough week with slow conditions. One grilse and one sea trout were caught, while a big salmon was lost on a Sunray. Late last night, another salmon was caught at 9 PM, followed by another lost salmon and sea trout.


Boleside Beat

A quiet week on the river with only two salmon and two sea trout landed. Low water levels and high temperatures hindered fishing towards the end of the week. On Monday, 10-year-old Hugh Pritchard landed his first-ever 4lb sea trout in the Meetings Pool, impressing his dad. John Dawson caught a 13lb fish on Wednesday night from the Gardenback using a size 12 Stoats Tail. We hope for rain to freshen things up.

Monday 5th August. We experienced a 12-13 inch rise, leveling out at 1 foot (14 inches). The Ettrick is 2 feet 7 inches and rising, indicating the arrival of larger water.



Water levels remain very low with no fishing activity. Nothing will change until we get some rain.


Peeblesshire Trout Fishing

Anglers have been successful with dry flies late in the evening. However, lower water levels are making it more challenging. Fish are rising to BWO’s, Spinners, and occasionally Sedges, but results have been inconsistent.


Latest Catches 


Thank you to the boatmen, ghillies and anglers for your fishing reports. Please keep emailing your fishing news to anne@tweedfoundation.org.uk  


Best wishes





The Tweed Foundation Annual Auction will go live in November. If you would like to donate an auction lot to support the work of the foundation and education program, TweedStart, please email anne@tweedfoundation.org.uk


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Communications and Fundraising Officer

Anne Woodcock

EMAIL: anne@tweedfoundation.org.uk

PHONE: 07540 834852 or 01896 800725

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  • The River Tweed is one of the UK’s most iconic waterways, home to a rich diversity of wildlife.From fish monitoring to habitat restoration, the Tweed Foundation works tirelessly to ensure the river remains a flourishing ecosystem. 

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